Monday, August 10, 2015


Finally, I got my first job experience after graduated.
To be honest, I did'nt expect I got the position and salary align with my qualification.  
Org cakap, rezeki jangan ditolak kan. 
Tiba masa untuk kita membalas jasa kedua ibubapa dan jasa abang I yg banyak berhabis duit just to make sure I can finish my study without any issues related to money.
I successfully pass my first week worked as HR Executive cum Personal Assistant.
Hopefully I can work here more longer and gain experience as much as I needed before I proceed with my future plan with my future husband. hehehe.
Doakan semua perancangan kami berjalan dengan lancar, dan dimurahkan rezeki supaya kami dapat menghalalkan hubungan kami dgn satu ikatan yang sah, soon as possible. Ameen. :)
To Abah Ibu, I will try my best to reply ALL your jasa baik and sacrifice since I baby till now, I get closer to marry someone.  See, your daughter now is not a baby, kid, young teenage or teenage anymore.  Now I am adult, and hope I'll be more matured and able to think positively and keep patience to face any obstacles come in future.  Pray for me, Abah Ibu. 
With love,
Your lovely daughter.

A Loving Heart is The Beginning of All Knowledge